February 20, 2025

Denny Toves

Internet Development

What Blockchain Networks Look Like – Dashed Lines


Blockchain networks are represented with dashed lines. The dashed line represents a consensus mechanism that all of the nodes in the network must use to verify transactions.

What is a Blockchain?

A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger. It is a technology that allows for trustless transactions, and it can also be used to create smart contracts.

Dashed lines are the blockchain network’s nodes.

The dashed line represents the blockchain network. The nodes are represented by circles. Each circle is a node in the blockchain network, and each node has an address that looks like this:

The “m” stands for master node, which means it’s a special type of node that has more power than regular nodes do. Regular nodes can join together to form clusters (like miners do), but master nodes will always be on their own because they’re too important!

The dashed line represents a consensus mechanism.

The dashed line represents a consensus mechanism. Consensus mechanisms are used to validate new blocks, and to verify that the transactions in those blocks are valid. They also ensure that all nodes in the network have the same copy of the blockchain.

The most common consensus mechanisms are Proof-of-Work (POW) and Proof-of-Stake (POS). POW is used by Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin; POS is used by Dash, NEO and Stellar Lumens

Each node in the blockchain network can be aware of every transaction that happens on the network and also verify it.

You might be wondering how many nodes a blockchain network can have. The answer is, it depends on the size of the blockchain and how many people are using it. For example, Bitcoin has tens of thousands of nodes spread out all over the world, while Ethereum has only around 3,000 nodes.

In addition to being able to store transactions and verify them (which we’ll talk about in a minute), each node also stores a full copy of every transaction ever made on its respective network. This means that if any two parties want to trade cryptocurrencies with one another using Bitcoin as an example again:

  • Both parties need access to an internet connection so they can run their own bitcoin software client program locally at home or work (or wherever else);
  • Both parties must agree beforehand which address should receive funds from this particular trade;
  • Each party then sends some amount X worth B2X units into their respective wallets where those B2X units will stay until withdrawn later down time line when both parties’ machines are turned back on again._

This is how a blockchain network is represented

You’ve probably seen a blockchain network represented by dashed lines. This is because each node in the blockchain network can be aware of every transaction that happens on the network and also verify it. The dashed line represents a consensus mechanism, which allows nodes to agree on which blocks are valid and which ones are not.


In this article, we discussed what blockchain networks look like and how they’re represented. We also covered some of the important concepts such as nodes, consensus mechanisms and transactions. If you want to learn more about how blockchain technology works, check out our other articles about blockchains!